By Kadiri Christopher

The Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Edo State Council has recently called on the Federal Government of Nigeria to honour High Chief Raymond Dokpesi.

This call was made during the first posthumous birthday organised by the NUJ to celebrate the life and times of the media icon.

Responding to the Press, the Chairman of the Edo NUJ, Comrade Festus Alenkhe said, "we are calling on the Federal Government of Nigeria to use the 25th day of every October to honour High Chief Raymond Dokpesi. That day should be tagged 'Nigeria Broadcasting Day' because Raymond Dokpesi stood for broadcasting in Nigeria and indeed, Africa.

"He is one of those who fought for the democracy we have in Nigeria today. He was brutalized, arrested, intimidated and molested by the military juntas, yet he remained determined.

"We are suggesting to the Federal Government of Nigeria to name one National media station after Chief Raymond Dokpesi", he said.

On his part, the Head of Center, African Independence Television, AIT, Benin, Chief Braimah Emozozo said, "The Ezomo is an enigma and should be celebrated even after death. He's more than what we can say.

"His legacies live on. The DAAR Communications family strongly miss him and we are using this means to wish him a posthumous birthday and also pray he finds eternal rest", he said.

The member of the Zone F Trustee of the NUJ, Comrade Dr Abimbola Oyetunde who is the General Manager of Radio Nigeria, Bronze FM said, "High Chief Raymond Dokpesi stood out in the media world today. He's the first to launch private broadcast media, that is the Raypower and I was opportuned to work with him then.

"He went ahead to launch the AIT which gas remained global today and he used the media to get things done the right way in Nigeria, despite all adversities.

"The Nigeria media is already missing him and we pray his soul rest in peace. We also wish him a happy posthumous birthday today and we want the Federal Government to immortalize him by making October 25th every year a BROADCASTING DAY in Nigeria", she added.

Highlights of the ceremony was a street walk around major parts of Benin City in Edo State by members of the Edo NUJ and every staff member of the DAAR Communications, Benin.

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