I Am Naija

By Douglas Ogbankwa Esq  @douglasogbankwa@gmIl.com

I am the colours of ten thousand festivals 

I am tributaries of five  thousands rivers ,

I am the Muslim and christians that are believers ,

I am the aroma of cuisines that take away malaria and fever ,

I am Naija .

I am the flora and fuana of the Niger Delta ,,

I am the Young Boy and Girls that control the internet with  our  small data ,

I am the stars of Nollywood,

That has dwarfed Bollywood ,

I am the rythmn and lyrics of Afro Beat , 

That makes the whole world dance to the Naija Beat ,

I am Naija .

I am the oasis in the desert ,

That is like to the world a dessert,

I am  zest of Zamfara that produces Californium,

That makes magic happen in California,

I am trophies of the Falcons and the Eagles ,

I am the real African Hero,

I am the swags in the Clubs ,

That makes the world stay in awe ,

I am the courage under  fire ,

I am the prayer points of Mountain of Fire ,

I am Naija .

I am the sage that have transcended many ages ,

I am the story of many pages ,

That won the Nobel and Orange Prizes ,

I am the intrigues of many plots,

I am delicacies that emanate from clay pots ,

I am the men and women of variant shapes and sizes ,

I am the esetoric  trajectories of an uncommon Assizes ,

I am a Naija .

I am the diversity of 257 Ethnic Groups ,

I am the people that have survived over 30 Coups ,

I am the lush trees of arable land ,

I am the beehive of live bands ,

I am paintings in canvas  of gifted hands ,

I am Naija 

I am the live of the party,

I am the One who runs in Africa the biggest Party ,

That provides the president that rule in the world the largest black  Residents ,

I am the one the Rules the World with words ,

I am the Greatest Country in the  World,

I am the viable black power,

I am the the African Cover ,

I am Naija .

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