NHIA Social Marketing: National Health, Health Insurance is a Necessity- Dr Theodore Ehanire

By Kadiri Christopher-
The National Health Insurance Authority, NHIA, has recently engaged the Edo people in a national health necessities. In a public awareness program to sensitize the Edo people, the State Coordinator of the Edo NHIA, Dr Osa Theodore Ehanire said, "we are out today to inform the people of Edo State that there's need to engage themselves in health insurance.
"We came here today for what we tagged, 'SOCIAL MARKETING' and when we arrived here, some of them thought it was a political rally, so they didn't give us attention until we let them know why we are here. "We are informing and sensitizing them on the importance of health insurance, especially with the NHIA. They shouldn't wait for an emergency before looking out for the nearest hospital to go. "They are now aware that NHIA is their surest health insurer because we did a raffle draw and four market women got the tickets which covers up one year insurance. "So, the people are now eager to subscribe to NHIA. National health and health insurance has now become a must in our society", he said.
Mrs Favour Mokaebe, Favour Lakpama, Philomena Omobude and and one other who won the raffle tickets for one year free subscription said they didn't believe the scheme was really until the NHIA called for a raffle draw. They were full of appreciation to the NHIA and especially to Dr Ehanire whom they described as a man with passion for public health.

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