Do not wait till people are dead before giving them flowers, Douglas Ogbankwa

Erudite Douglas Ogbankwa Esq 

The NBA Benin Branch has had too many deaths within the last few days including that of the respected Learned Silk K.S.  Okeaya-Inneh SAN.

In my tribute to our departed Colleagues I said :

*Condolences to our  Departed Colleagues' Family and Friends*

Multiple Deaths  ,too many .May the souls of our  departed colleagues rest in perfect peace .

As Jean Le Fountain said :

*Death never takes the wise by surprise , he is always ready to go*

*The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live*.”

— Norman Cousins

Let us celebrate people while they are alive , not only when they die .

Sean Covey said :

*Do not wait till people are dead before you give them flowers*

Also let us  try to relax and let us not over work ourselves , because if one dies , the first thing the client will ask for is his files .

May the soul of all our departed colleagues rest in perfect peace.

-Douglas Ogbankwa Esq

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