My Govt Will Be Friendly To Women, Girls- Airhiavbere

 By Kadiri Christopher

Gen Charles Airhiavbere rtd 

The immediate past Executive Director Finance and Administration of the NDDC, and frontline Edo APC gubernatorial aspirant, General Charles Airhiavbere rtd, mni has said that the Edo state government under his leadership will achieve gender equality and empowerment for all women and girls by 2030, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, SDG5.

General Airhiavbere who recently disclosed this at the 7th anniversary of the Sister-to-Sister Foundation Project, an initiative of the APC National Women leader, Dr Mary Idele Alile, also outlined an inspiring vision for women's empowerment as he unveiled the organization's Shelter for Mother and Baby project.

The SDG 5 among others seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls while ending all forms of discrimination against them. In addition the goal seeks to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation

General Airhiavbere then praised the Sister-to-Sister Foundation for its remarkable 7-year journey, emphasized its role in fortifying a pathway towards achieving the SDGs for Women, and highlighted the significance of women standing for women, providing a crucial support system.

The former Commandant of the Nigeria Army Finance Corps, who launched the Shelter for Mother and Baby project, said it marked a pivotal starting point in realizing the foundation's objectives, even as he expressed a commitment to replicate similar shelters in each of the 192 wards of Edo State by November 2024.

The aspirant proposed a robust Circular Economy for Edo State, focusing on women as the focal point adding that his vision is to provide gainful employment to every woman and girl child through the sustainable management of natural resources.

He then outlined plans for 192 women-focused SMEs, transforming seemingly menial services into gainful revenue sources, once he takes off as Governor. The goal, he said would be to set new benchmarks, with women earning 3 to 4 times the National Minimum Wage through value addition.

The top APC gubernatorial aspirant envisioned each ward hosting micro-industrial hubs, with 192 similar houses becoming epicenters of skill development, business opportunities, and leadership positions for Edo women.

Added to these, he said would be Women SME cooperatives which will be involved in recycling projects, converting waste into economic value, with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint, ensuring a steady flow of carbon credits and uplifting environmental standards in Edo State.

General Airhiavbere who used the opportunity to pledge a reign of service to Edo State, promised to turn this vision into action, taking every Edo woman and girl to greater heights, even as he congratulated the Sister-to-Sister Foundation for providing a launch pad in the collective journey towards a great Edo.

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