World Education Day: Pyrates Counsel Students On Need For Educational Focus

 By Kadiri Christopher 

The National Association of Seadogs, NAS, Arabella Deck has observed the 2024 World Education Day by visiting some primary schools in Benin City, Edo State Capital.

The members of Pyrates Confraternity from the Arabella Deck visited schools in the core observance of the global education by counselling the pupils on the need to focus on their education which is the the key to a lasting knowledge.

The Capon of the Arabella Deck, Ehikioya Akhidenor Uduebor who led the team on the tour said the National Association of Seadogs is an organization born with passion for humanity.

He stressed that empowering the little ones with education today, is securing the future for them forever.

On his part, the Public Relations Officer, PRO, of the Deck, Lucky Afenokhai, Tpl, said, "These are the generations that will take the nation to the next phase and so, we need empower them for the future by contributing to their academic pathway today.

"We are also using this means to call on parents and guardians who still have their children and wards at home during school hours to kindly send their kids to school. Education is the best legacy amongst all.

"We at NAS are trying our best to ensure a more educated society in Nigeria", he said.

The World Education Day is an initiative of the United Nations, UN, and the theme for the 2024 World Education Day is EMPOWER MINDS, BUILD BRIDGES AND CULTIVATE HARMONY THROUGH EDUCATION

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