Special Birthday Tribute To Mrs Habibat Apena: PASSION MAKES THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE

By Kadiri Christopher

Habitat Apena Esq

Friends and well-wishers all around the globe have recently threw their best wishes to Mrs Habitat Apena on another milestone achievement.

In a congratulatory statement issued by Douglas Ogbankwa Esq, the celebrant was described as an achiever whose lifestyle has impacted innumerable lives.

According to the statement, "A man or woman with passion can change the world. I rate passion more than power. Passion makes your life count, while power makes your years in power count.

"It was the 12th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln that said, It is not the years in your life that matters , but the life in your years.

"Just as Norman Cousin, the Western Philosopher stated that The Tragedy of Life is not that we die , but what dies inside us while we live

"For Mrs Habeebat Apena, Petite, Lissome, Convivial and Soft Spoken Lawyer, Mother and Wife, Life is not just about counting your days, but all about counting your moments. 

"The astute Litigator and developmental enthusiast has built a handshake across the Niger and the Benue among Lawyers. The visionary Mrs Apena runs one of the most potent legal community in Nigeria, to wit : BAT Lawyers. She works more than she talks. There are some things that stands her out. She is neither a Politician nor is she a technocrat. To put it simply, Mrs Habeebat Apena is an ultra sincere woman who says it as it is, but will never mislead her friends and associates. 

"She also engages in great charitable works, using her vintage position to put smiles on the faces of people", Ogbankwa emphasized.

He used the means to pray for the celebrant and wished her many returns.

"As you celebrate your birthday today, we celebrate you Mrs Habeebat Apena, as you are indeed a woman of substance and an extra ordinary woman that the nation needs to contribute your unique quota to national development.

"Happy Birthday Ma'am. You are indeed a national treasure and there are greater years ahead", he said.

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