By Kadiri Christopher

The young man who recently beheaded his infant daughter in Benin City has been taken to the Federal Neuro-psychiatric hospital in Benin for mind evaluation.

The young suspected murderer cum ritualist by name, Emmanuel Ovwarueso was taken to the psychiatric home in Benin City after the police observed some abnormalities in his behaviour.

If was revealed that the operatives of the Edo State Security Network, ESSN, tortured him mercilessly at the time he was caught with the head of the child.

It will be recalled that the said suspect who is popularly known as Emma One, tied his wife, Vero Ovwarueso, tightly with a thick rope before beheading the child in her presence.

After beheading the child, he was said to have hurriedly buried her in a shallow grave before heading out of his house around the Uteh axis of the Upper Mission Road Extension in Benin City.

He has since confessed to the vigilante group that he was taking the head of his child to a ritualist for money rituals.

Some of his coworkers at the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria, RTEAN, said Emma one is pretending to be insane, knowing fully well the degree of offence he has committed.

According to a member of RTEAN, "Emma One is a crook. He might have been told to start behaving abnormal in order to escape being tried and sentenced by the court of law.

"We know him too well. He was driving a white Nissan Vanett bus. He couldn't maintain it. The owner of the bus took it from him and gave it to another person who is now driving and maintaining it without issues", the official said in anonymity.

Another official opined that the suspected ritualist, Emmanuel Ovwarueso has committed a lot of atrocities which he has been forgiven several times. He collects revenue most times and doesn't want to remit to the appropriate quarter. He loves to cause troubles. He enjoys fighting with innocent drivers".

Another revelation from the Uteh community, a suburban in Benin City, was that he built his house with blocks stolen. That his house is filled with blocks he stole.

According to a neighbor of his, "we haven't seen workers moulding blocks in his compound, but he has so many blocks in his house. The blocks increase in number overnight. 

"There are labourers and workmen who worked for him when he was building his house and till date, he refused to pay them. This is bad", she said.

The lifeless body of the little child which he hurriedly buried has been exhumed and deposited in the morgue while investigation is ongoing at the psychiatric hospital to ascertain his state of mind and if found deceptive, it becomes another offense in addition to the charges of murder, rituals and molestation.AUGHTER

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