Rev Fr Obinyan Crashes On Youths

By Kadiri Christopher

As the Edo State gubernatorial election is fast winding in, a top contender for the governorship sit, Rev Fr Andrew Obinyan recently crashes on youths of the Aerodrome Close/Ogbe-Ibuya Community.

Fr Obinyan who driving around the vicinity and was spotted by one of the youths, was flagged down and was ushered into a hall that was well filled with youths.

Receiving the padre, the head of the youth team said, "we are very delighted to have you in our midst despite you didn't plan on coming here.

"You are a good man to us here at the Ekenwan Road axis and when we saw you driving around, we decided to stop you and appealed to you just to spend a little while with us", he said.

Another youth who grabbed the opportunity to address the cleric said, "our joy is full seeing a great man like you in our circle tonight. You are like a ripe fruit that attracts the eyes of all."

Responding, Fr Obinyan said, "it's my pleasure to have stopped when you guys asked me to stop. I never knew there was a corner where youths do have a nice time at this hour of the day.

"I encourage you all to focus on the right things that bring joy to you and the state. Say no to crime", he said.

While trying to take his leave, a young man rushed in and analysed the youth friendly nature of the clergyman.

According to him, "I was at home when I received a phone call that you are here. I rushed here because you are the man of the people. You recently organized a football tournament within the Ekenwan Road axis and it was wonderful.

"We are behind you. We are solidly going to support you and you will be the next governor of Edo State," he stressed.

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