Edo CP Adegboye, democratic policing with the fear of God

By Kadiri Christopher

Adegboye Funso, CP Edo State Command 

The Commissioner of Police, Edo State Command, CP Funso Adegboye has been recently identified as a man with the fear of God in the discharge of his police duty.

Identifying his unequivocal style of policing, it has been recorded that his weekly briefings are thorough and issue based.

CP Adegboye has alarmed it so loud to both the police community and the citizens out there that no suspect should be detained for over 24 hours with a detention warrant. This instruction is strictly adhered to by officers and men of the command.

The gallant CP Adegboye recently frowned at the activities of some policemen in the state who find joy in searching people's phones. He called for a complete stop of such act as it is not a duty for police officers and men to search people's phones. 

The eloquent CP Adegboye is the first to set up a command Ombudsman. With this, an official can clearly be appointed outside the Investigative Police Officer, IPO, to investigate cases of individuals or organisations. With this, organizations in Edo will have to stop the molestation of passive staff and workers.

Not relenting on his oars for excellent policing, CP Adegboye has reached a peak in the formation of the Edo State Police Command Corporate Police Community Relations Committee, PCCPCRC.

The crime fighter who is an expert in operations has also reduced secret cult clashes and killings in n Edo State, thereby making the streets of Edo free from cult related harassment.

Some members of the public who have had a deal or more the CP Adegboye said, "he is reachable at all times.

"He takes his calls by himself and attends to issues before him

"He replies to his WhatsApp and text messages without delay", they said.

A legal luminary spotted that CP Adegboye"has overhauled the command, bringing sanity and sanctity through fresh ideas and engaging new hands".

According a rights activist, "CP Adegboye is a friend to all. Anyone who respects human rights is God fearing and a friend to all.

"He has been able to establish a good working relationship with civil society and as well the media", he stressed.

CP Adegboye's type is rare to come by.

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