Ikpoba Community installs Odionwere, Ōkaêghele

By Kadiri Christopher 

Pa Hon OPRI Omigie with Odion Odigie the newly installed odionwere and Ōkaêghele respectively

The Ikpoba Waterside Community in Benin City has installed the eldest man and youth leader to oversee the traditional affairs of the community.

Pa Hon Otasowie Omigie, the newly installed odionwere (oldest man) and the Ōkaêghele, Mr Odion Odigie were installed according to the Benin tradition which permits community leadership.

Addressing newsmen, Pa Hon OPRI Omigie, as he fondly called, said, "we thank God Almighty and our ancestors for making this a reality after a long tussle.

Pa Hon OPRI Omigie with some guests during his installation as Odionwere of the Ikpoba Waterside Community 

"The Ōba of Benin, Ewuare ll, has displayed the wisdom of our ancestors by letting me become the odionwere of our community. I am very very happy.

"I pray for wisdom to pilot the affairs of our community and I also call for the cooperation of our people so that our community can develop in peace", he said.

On his part, Mr Odion Odigie who is a frontline security volunteer said, "we are not taking this opportunity for granted. My emergence as the Ōkaêghele is a divine orchestration.

"Despite the fact that I am a politician, it will not affect my discharge of duties. I am now the Ōkaêghele of APC, PDP, LP and other political parties in this community and we shall do it in peace.

The newly installed Ōkaêghele, Mr Odion Odigie, acknowledging cheers from his supporters and admirers during the installation ceremony 

"Having the odionwere, Pa Hon OPRI Omigie to work with, is placing the square peg on a square hole. He is a man with honour. I am happy to be working with him", he said.

Describing Pa Hon OPRI Omigie, Hon Fred Okah said, "when I heard he has been made the odionwere and the ceremony will be today, I said I must be here to celebrate with him and his people.

"I know the type of respect and integrity he commands. When I was the Councillor of Ward 5, he was the Councillor of Ward 6 in Oredo Local Government. So, his community is lucky to have such an honest man", he said.

Highlights of the ceremony were traditional procession, cultural dances by the Benin and Igbo traditional dancers.

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