By Kadiri Christopher-
Edo State Deputy Governor, Rt Hon Comrade Philip Shaibu, has charged young Nigerians and university graduates to be the catalyst that would boost the nation's economy and make Nigeria great again. Shaibu made the remarks weekend while speaking during the 11th -13th combined convocation of Western Delta University,WDU, Oghara in Delta State. The Deputy Governor, on behalf of Edo State Government, congratulated the Visitor of the university and former two-time Governor of Delta State, Chief James Onanefe lbori, his wife, Vice Chancellor and management team of the university for their positive impact in the last 16 years of its existence. According to Shaibu: "I rank this university as one of the best in the line of private universities in Nigeria. No doubt, the establishment of this university has added value to the process of acquiring knowledge in our dear country, Nigeria. "Education is still the best legacy we can give to our children. May I use the opportunity of this occasion to congratulate all parents and sponsors of these graduates we are celebrating today, for ensuring that their dreams are fulfilled today". "May I therefore charge all the graduands and youths of this country that they can become the catalyst to generate employment for the economic prosperity of Nigeria". "The checkout or japa syndrome of young people that has become an issue of national and international discourse, is an issue that government at all levels needs to address by creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive and stimulate the consumption of our locally made goods and services". "Government business is to create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive. Many have asked; who is this enabler? Yes, it is true that government may have no business in business, but it is the duty of the government to ensure a safe environment for businesses to grow". "I must charge you graduates also to be that catalyst that will boost our economy; that catalyst that can make Nigeria a great nation again". "We don't need to start disturbing ourselves to seek to end the dollars and naira descripancy. Forget about any dollars for now and let's focus on production, producing for our local consumption". "We have the size, don't waste your energy to produce for exportat just to earn dollars.No, if you can produce for our local consumption, pressure on dollars will stop and crash", Shaibu added. Earlier, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Augustine Ovuoronye Ikelegbe, charged the graduating students to think positively and be good ambassador of the institution with pride. He canvassed for Federal Government's Tetfund intervention for private universities in Nigeria. Some of the dignitaries that graced the event were former Governor of Delta State, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, former Governor of Akwa Ibom State and Chancellor of Western Delta University, Obong Victor Attah, Edo State House of Assembly Member, Hon Donald Okogbe, Emir of Zazzau, HRH Mallam Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli, amongst others.

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