By Kadiri Christopher

Pa Hon Chief Sunday Emokpae Ogiamien 

The great Ogiamien royal dynasty in Benin Kingdom has recently celebrated the times and life of their patriarch amidst wild glitz and glamour.

Speaking during the final burial of the hyper centenarian, the eldest son, Prof Tony Ogiamien said, "my father was a great man whose life and times are worth emulating.
Prof Tony Ogiamien, Chief Mourner

"We are proud to have him as our father now and we will wish to have him as our father again and again.

"He was fearless, outspoken, disciplined, cheerful, loving and always fair in his dealings. We are his proud children and we will continue to maintain his legacy", he said.

His daughter who came from the diaspora, United States of America, Princess Mrs Katie Ogiamien-Salami said, "my father was a wonderful man. He was a man that was very distinct. He was a father that took care of his children. 
Princess Mrs Katie Ogiamien -Salami
- daughter 

"We never want nor lack. Our growing up was very well protected. My father was very selfless. He would take a bullet for his children. He trained us to be independent. So we can all make it on our own. He brought us all together with one love.

"He brought us to answer to our elder brother, Prof Tony Ogiamien. Whatever Prof Tony says, we do. So, my dad did a very successful job. So, all of us are very successful", she said.

On his part, the director of Information and External Affairs of the Great Ogiamien Royal Dynasty, High Chief Monday Wehere JP,  described the late icon as a Messiah who came to liberate their dynasty from the hands of their enemies, stating that "if not for the late sage himself and other dramatis personae involved in the struggle, it wouldn't have been free for them to move about freely.

 "We remain eternally grateful to him", he added
High Chief Monday Wehere JP, Director, Information and External Affairs of the Great Ogiamien Royal Dynasty

His Imperial Majesty, Ogiamien Rich Arisco Osemwengie, in his tribute said they will remain eternally grateful to Pa Chief Sunday Ogiamien for the sacrifices, determination and all other efforts to reposition the dynasty before his exit, assuring that he will continue from where Pa Chief Sunday Ogiamien stoppedstopped.

Late Pa Chief Hon Sunday Emokpae Ogiamien passed on to glory on 17th day of July, 2023 at the ripe age of 123years.

Left to mourn him among others are his wife, Madam Magdalene Osagie Emokpae Ogiamien, His Imperial Majesty Rich Arisco Osemwengie, the custodian of the 32 previous Ogisos and the current 24th Ogiamien of the Benin kingdom.
Cultural troupe in display during the funeral socials

Other children are, Grace Ehigiator, Caroline Makunju, Florence Ogiamien, Gloria Okuonghae, Michael Ogiamien, Mercy Ogiamien, Charity Ogiamien, Dr Lucky Ogiamien, Nosakhare Ogiamien, Joy Igbinovia, Roseline Ogunkoya, Dolly Nelson-Cole, Patricia Ogiamien, Diana Pemu and numerous grand children

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