Douglas Ogbankwa on THE POWER OF PRECISION .


Every step you take,

Every move you make,

High are the stakes,

Be careful what you say,

It could be a debt you will pay,

To stay safe and hale,

Be careful of those that you they praise and hail.

The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines precision as 

"adapted for extremely accurate measurement or operation"

There is need for you to take extreme care and circumspection in the issues of life. Be sure of the out come of your actions and never take a shot in the dark. While speed is important, accuracy is everything. Use the analogy of a sniper about to take out a prime target, if he misses, he may well be the target. 

Take decisions after extreme brooding. Every decision has consequences. In carrying out your duties or business, do not be a It does not matter person. That thing you say does not matter, matters most to men and women of excellence. 

Excellence is not just a virtue, for some, it is a habit. When you are precise in your business or work, you will be the most preferred, even when you are the most expensive. 

Do not lower your standard for people. Any thing that is commonly place or cheap, lacks value. Great men see money just like a means of exchange and that exactly what it is.

In the movie The Devil's Advocate, starring Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino , Al Pacino asks Keanu Reeves ,

Can you summon your talent at will , can you meet deadlines and still sleep at night?.

Keanu Reeves asks "

When do we talk about money.

Al Pacino answers That is the easy part .

Money is always the easy part .The best things in life are free. As Primatus said 

Ideas have consequences.

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