Edo CP visits injured Dangote workers, rescues one, combs bush

By Kadiri Christopher 

CP Funsho Adegboye mni,
Commissioner of Police, Edo State Command 

The Commissioner of Police, Edo State Command, Funsho Adegboye has recently visited the injured victims of the Dangote Cement PLC workers' attack in Okpella, Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State.

In a statement released by the Command's Public Relations Officer, SP Nwanbuzor Chidi, stated that when the Divisional Police Officer, DPO, of Okpella Division received a distress call about the attack, men and officers of the Nigeria Police were mobilized alongside the vigilante groups and hunters into the bush for "vigorous bush combing operations to rescue the victims unhurt and to arrest the kidnappers".

SP Nwanbuzor said, "in the process, one Omoba, a male, was rescued and at a look, it was discovered that he was with some bullet injuries on his back, shot by the hoodlums. He was immediately rushed to a hospital for medical treatment.

"Meanwhile, one other victim who was earlier shot at the point of the attack and another victim, Mr Victor Okon, was rushed to the same hospital for medical treatment .

"The Commissioner of Police, Edo State Command, CP Funsho Adegboye, mni gave a marching order to the DPO of Okpella Division, the vigilante groups and the hunters to intensify the bush combing exercise in ensuring a speedy rescue of the remaining victims and to effect the arrest of the kidnappers. The CP gave this directive during his visit to Dangote Cement Factory Okpella", he said.

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